To allow the children from Jelgava’s sister city in Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk, to relax during the summer holidays, gain positive emotions, and make new friends after a school year spent in wartime conditions, Jelgava municipality, with the support of entrepreneurs, is organizing a camp for them in our city called “Jelgava – Mitava”. This week, the first group, consisting of 29 children and young people, as well as five accompanying teachers, is participating in the camp at Jelgava Primary School “Valdeka” – Development Centre. In two weeks, the second group of camp participants will arrive. Today, the camp participants met with the Chairman of Jelgava City Council, Andris Rāviņš, at the City Council.

In May, the Jelgava municipality received a letter from the mayor of the sister city Ivano-Frankivsk, requesting that this summer, our city host a camp for the orphaned children of Ukraine’s fallen defenders, children from Ukrainian military families, and primary school-aged children living in Ivano-Frankivsk. These children suffer from depression and live in constant anxiety, and the camp would provide them an opportunity to forget their traumatic experiences, even if just for a moment, and gain positive emotions.
In solidarity with Jelgava’s sister city, the municipality is organizing a camp in July at Jelgava Primary School “Valdeka” – Development Centre, named “Jelgava – Mītava”. This month, up to 60 children and young people aged 10 to 17 years, along with 10 accompanying teachers from Ivano-Frankivsk, will be hosted.
Each group will stay in Jelgava for two weeks. During the camp, the primary school’s teachers, in collaboration with specialists from other municipal institutions, will organize various activities for the children – excursions, workshops, and sports activities. The guests will be introduced to the city by visiting different places and will also go on a tour around Latvia.
The camps in our city are made possible thanks to the support of entrepreneurs. Companies that responded to the municipality’s call to participate in providing the camp include SIA “Evopipes”, SIA “Gren Jelgava”, “VAKS kooperatīvā sabiedrība”, SIA “AKG Thermotechnik Lettland”, SIA “Zn Metals”, SIA “Ceļu būvniecības sabiedrība “Igate””, SIA “RIMI Latvia” and SIA “Lidl Latvia”.